
Provides a decorator that enables multiple-dispatch for functions.


  • Full specificity resolution

  • Mypy support

(Inspired by Julia)

See benchmarks.


runtype.Dispatch(typesystem: ~runtype.typesystem.TypeSystem = <runtype.validation.PythonTyping object>)

Creates a decorator attached to a dispatch group, that when applied to a function, enables multiple-dispatch for it.


typesystem (Typesystem) – Which type-system to use for dispatch. Default is Python’s.


>>> from runtype import Dispatch
>>> dp = Dispatch()

>>> @dp
... def add1(i: Optional[int]):
...     return i + 1

>>> @dp
... def add1(s: Optional[str]):
...     return s + "1"

>>> @dp
... def add1(a):  # Any, which is the least-specific
...     return (a, 1)

>>> add1(1)

>>> add1("1")

>>> add1(1.0)
(1.0, 1)
class runtype.dispatch.MultiDispatch(typesystem: TypeSystem, test_subtypes: Sequence[int] = ())

Creates a dispatch group for multiple dispatch

  • typesystem (typesystem - instance for interfacing with the) –

  • test_subtypes – indices of params that should be matched by subclass instead of isinstance.

What is multiple-dispatch?

Multiple-dispatch is an advanced technique for structuring code, that complements object-oriented programming.

Unlike in OOP, where the type of the “object” (or: first argument) is always what determines the dispatch, in multiple-dispatch all the arguments decide together, according the idea of specificity: The more specific classes (i.e. subclasses) get picked before the more abstract ones (i.e. superclasses).

That means that when you need to define a logical operation that applies to several types, you can first solve the most abstract case, and then slowly add special handling for more specific types as required. If you ever found yourself writing several “isinstance” in a row, you could probably use multiple-dispatch to write better code!

Multiple-dispatch allows you to:

  1. Write type-specific functions using a dispatch model that is much more flexible than object-oriented.

  2. Group your functions based on “action” instead of based on type.

You can think of multiple-dispatch as function overloading on steroids.

Runtype’s dispatcher

Runtype’s dispatcher is fast, and will never make an arbitrary choice: in ambiguous situations it will always throw an error.

As a side-effect, it also provides type validation to functions. Trying to dispatch with types that don’t match, will result in a dispatch-error.

Dispatch chooses the right function based on the idea specificity, which means that class MyStr(str) is more specific than str, and so on:

MyStr(str) < str < Union[int, str] < object

It uses the validation module as the basis for its type matching, which means that it supports the use of typing classes such as List or Union (See “limitations” for more on that).

Some classes cannot be compared, for example Optional[int] and Optional[str] are ambiguous for the value None. See “ambiguity” for more details.

Users who are familiar with Julia’s multiple dispatch, will find runtype’s dispatch to be very familiar.

Unlike Julia, Runtype asks to instanciate your own dispatch-group, to avoid collisions between different modules and projects that aren’t aware of each other.

Ideally, every project will instanciate Dispatch only once, in a module such as utils.py or common.py.

Basic Use

Multidispatch groups functions by their name. Functions of different names will never collide with each other.

The order in which you define functions doesn’t matter to runtype, but it’s recommended to order functions from most specific to least specific.


from runtype import multidispatch as md

class Point:
    x: int = 0
    y: int = 0

    def __init__(self, points: list | tuple):
        self.x, self.y = points

    def __init__(self, points: dict):
        self.x = points['x']
        self.y = points['y']

# Test constructors
p0 = Point()                         # Default constructor
assert p0 == Point(0, 0)             # Default constructor
assert p0 == Point([0, 0])           # User constructor
assert p0 == Point((0, 0))           # User constructor
assert p0 == Point({"x": 0, "y": 0}) # User constructor

A different dispatch object is created for each module, so collisions between different modules are impossible.

Users who want to define a dispatch across several modules, or to have more granular control, can use the Dispatch class:

from runtype import Dispatch
dp = Dispatch()

Then, the group can be used as a decorator for any number of functions, in any module.

Functions will still be grouped by name.


When the user calls a dispatched function group, the dispatcher will always choose the most specific function.

If specificity is ambiguous, it will throw a DispatchError. Read more in the “ambiguity” section.

Dispatch always chooses the most specific function, across all arguments:


from typing import Union

def f(a: int, b: int):
    return a + b

def f(a: Union[int, str], b: int):
    return (a, b)


>>> f(1, 2)
>>> f("a", 2)
('a', 2)

Although both functions “match” with f(1, 2), the first definition is unambiguously more specific.

Ambiguity in Dispatch

Ambiguity can result from two situations:

  1. The argument matches two parameters, and neither is a subclass of the other (Example: None matches both Optional[str] and Optional[int])

  2. Specificity isn’t consistent in one function - each argument “wins” in a different function.


>>> @md
... def f(a, b: int): pass
>>> @md
... def f(a: int, b): pass
>>> f(1, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
runtype.dispatch.DispatchError: Ambiguous dispatch

Dispatch is designed to always throw an error when the right choice isn’t obvious.

Another example:

def join(seq, sep: str = ''):
    return sep.join(str(s) for s in seq)

def join(seq, sep: list):
    return join(join(sep, str(s)) for s in seq)

>>> join([0, 0, 7])                 # -> 1st definition

>>> join([1, 2, 3], ', ')           # -> 1st definition
'1, 2, 3'

>>> join([0, 0, 7], ['(', ')'])     # -> 2nd definition

>>> join([1, 2, 3], 0)              # -> no definition
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
runtype.dispatch.DispatchError: Function 'join' not found for signature (<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>)

Dispatch chooses the right function based on the idea specificity, which means that class MyStr(str) is more specific than str, and so on: MyStr(str) < str < Union[int, str] < object.

MyPy support

multidispatch works with mypy by employing the typing.overload decorator, aiding in granular type resolution.

However, due to the limited design of the typing.overload decorator, there are several rules that need to be followed, and limitations that should be considered.

  1. For MyPy’s benefit, more specific functions should be placed above less specific functions.

  2. The last dispatched function of each function group, must be written without type declarations (making it the least specific), and use the multidispatch_final decorator. It is recommended to use this function for error handling and default functionality.

Note: Mypy doesn’t support all of the functionality of Runtype’s dispatch, such as full specificity resolution. Therefore, some valid dispatch constructs will produce an error in mypy.

Example usage:

from runtype import multidispatch as md, multidispatch_final as md_final

def join(seq, sep: str = ''):
    return sep.join(str(s) for s in seq)

def join(seq, sep: list):
    return join(join(sep, str(s)) for s in seq)

def join(seq, sep):
    raise NotImplementedError()

# Calling join() with the wrong types -
join(1,2)   # At runtime, raises NotImplementedError

# Mypy generates the following report:
#   error: No overload variant of "join" matches argument types "int", "int"  [call-overload]
#   note: Possible overload variants:
#   note:     def join(seq: Any, sep: str = ...) -> Any
#   note:     def join(seq: Any, sep: list[Any]) -> Any


Multiple-dispatch caches call-signatures by default, and adds a small runtime overhead after the first call.

See benchmarks.

Dispatch is not recommended for use in functions that are called often in time-critical code.


Dispatch currently doesn’t support, and will simply ignore:

  • keyword arguments (Dispatch relies on the order of the arguments)

  • *args

  • **kwargs

These may be implemented in future releases.

Dispatch does not support generics or constraints. Avoid using List[T], Tuple[T] or Dict[T1, T2] in the function signature. (this is due to conflict with caching, and might be implemented in the future)

Union and Optional are supported.